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Nixie-Sammlung (N)

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Ich bin ein begeisterter Nixie-Sammler. Auf diesen Unterseiten finden Sie daher Fotos der Nixies, die sich in meiner Sammlung befinden. Viel Spaß beim Ansehen!

Nixie-Suche Nixie-Suche: In meiner Sammlung befinden sich nun deutlich mehr als 200 Nixie-Röhren. Daher gibt es die Nixie-Suche, mit der bequem nach verschiedenen Typen in meiner Sammlung gesucht werden kann.

Nixie-Röhren beginnend mit dem Buchstaben N:

NameFotoHerstellerSymbolhöhe (in mm)SymboleKommentare
N.I.1N.I.1Cinema Television Ltd. / Cintel (England)200...9Cathvisor, alte und seltene Nixie, komplementär zur G10/200E
N.I.2N.I.2Cintel Television Ltd. / Cintel (England)20+, -Cathvisor, Sonderzeichen-Nixie zur N.I.1
NL-840NL-840National Electronics (USA)150...9-
NL-843NL-843National Electronics (USA)15-, +, 8Sonderzeichen-Nixie zur NL-840
NL-918NL-918National Electronics (USA)130...9invertiertes Display
NL-924NL-924National Electronics (USA)für 20
R, I, H, L, B, -, N, %seltene Sonderzeichenröhre
NL-925NL-925National Electronics (USA)für 20
G, Hz, H, P, S, I, N, Oseltene Sonderzeichenröhre
NL-926NL-926National Electronics (USA)für 20
°, Fseltene Sonderzeichenröhre
NL-934NL-934National Electronics (NOS)500...9, Komma linksseltene Variante zur NL-7037 mit Komma
NL-950SNL-950SNational Electronics (USA)130...9, Komma links, Komma rechtswinzige aufrechte Nixie, defekt
NL-1212NL-1212National Electronics (USA)35+, -sehr seltene Sonderzeichen-Nixie zur NL-8091
NL-4031NL-4031National Electronics (USA)7.75-, +, 8Miniatur-Nixie
NL-4998NL-4998National Electronics (USA)7.750...9kleinste Ziffern-Nixie der Welt
NL-5016NL-5016National Electronics (USA)15-, +Vorzeichen-Nixie zur NL-6844A
NL-50911NL-50911National Electronics (USA)15-, +Vorzeichen-Nixie zur NL-6844A
NL-5441NL-5441National Electronics (USA)150...9, Komma links, Komma rechts-
NL-5441-ANL-5441-ANational Electronics (USA)150...9, Komma links, Komma rechtsspätes Fabrikat
NL-6844ANL-6844ANational Electronics (USA)150...9-
NL-7009NL-7009National Electronics (USA)7.80...9seltene Miniaturnixie
NL-7037NL-7037National Electronics (USA)500...9größte amerikanische Nixie, amerikanisches Äquivalent zur deutschen Z5680M
NL-7038NL-7038National Electronics (USA)500...9invertiertes Äquivalent zur NL-7037, sehr selten
NL-7094B-7094National Electronics (USA)500...9sehr große amerikanische Nixie
NL-8091NL-8091National Electronics (USA)350...9drittgrößte amerikanische Kopffüßler-Nixie; komplementär zur B-8091
NUP100NUP100National Union (USA)12.57 Segmentesehr seltene Nixie
NUP102NUP102National Union (USA)15.50...9seltene Nixie

Wenn Sie Nixies besitzen und diese gerne verkaufen oder eintauschen möchten, oder einfach nur einen Kommentar zu diesen Nixie-Seiten haben, dann können Sie mir gerne eine Email schreiben. Schauen Sie sich dazu auch die Nixie-Wanted-Liste an.

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www.jb-electronics.de » Electronics » Nixie Tubes » Nixie Tube Collection (N)

Nixie Tube Collection (N)

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Nixie Search:


With this search function you can easily search for Nixie tubes in this collection.

Proceed as follows:

  • Launch the search by clicking on the Nixie search logo or by pressing F2 on your keyboard.
  • Input your search query in the textbox, and click on the "Search"-button or press enter.
  • The results will be displayed. In order to close the results, click the link in the upper right corner, or press escape on your keyboard.

Is something not clear, or have you found a bug in the search engine? Please send me an email.

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I am an enthusiastic collector of Nixie tubes, and on these pages you will find pictures of Nixie tubes that are in my collection, along with some technical information. Enjoy!

Nixie Search Nixie Search: There are more than 200 Nixie tubes in my collection now. Use this search function to search for specific tube numbers within my collection.

Front view:

Front view Nixie tubes, sorted by digit height.

TypePictureManufacturerDigit Height (in mm)SymbolsComments
N.I.1N.I.1Cinema Television Ltd. / Cintel (England)200...9Cathvisor, old and rare Nixie tube, equivalent to the G10/200E
N.I.2N.I.2Cintel Television Ltd. / Cintel (England)20+, -Cathvisor, old and rare, special symbol Nixie tube for the N.I.1
NL-840NL-840National Electronics (USA)150...9-
NL-843NL-843National Electronics (USA)15-, +, 8special symbol Nixie tube for the NL-840
NL-918NL-918National Electronics (USA)130...9inverted display
NL-924NL-924National Electronics (USA)for 20
R, I, H, L, B, -, N, %rare special symbol Nixie tube
NL-925NL-925National Electronics (USA)for 20
G, Hz, H, P, S, I, N, Orare special symbol Nixie tube
NL-926NL-926National Electronics (USA)for 20
°, Frare special symbol Nixie tube
NL-934NL-934National Electronics (NOS)500...9, comma leftrare version of the NL-7037 with a comma
NL-950SNL-950SNational Electronics (USA)130...9, comma links, comma righttiny side view Nixie tube, defective
NL-1212NL-1212National Electronics (USA)35+, -very rare special symbol Nixie tube for the NL-8091
NL-4031NL-4031National Electronics (USA)7.75-, +, 8miniature Nixie tube
NL-4998NL-4998National Electronics (USA)7.750...9smallest Nixie tube of the world
NL-5016NL-5016National Electronics (USA)15-, +special symbol Nixie tube for the NL-6844A
NL-50911NL-50911National Electronics (USA)15-, +special symbol Nixie tube for the NL-6844A
NL-5441NL-5441National Electronics (USA)150...9, comma left, comma right-
NL-5441-ANL-5441-ANational Electronics (USA)150...9, comma left, comma rightlate model
NL-6844ANL-6844ANational Electronics (USA)150...9-
NL-7009NL-7009National Electronics (USA)7.80...9rare miniature Nixie tube
NL-7037NL-7037National Electronics (USA)500...9largest American Nixie tube, equivalent to the German Z5680M
NL-7038NL-7038National Electronics (USA)500...9inverted version of the NL-7037, very rare
NL-7094B-7094National Electronics (USA)500...9very large and very rare American Nixie tube
NL-8091NL-8091National Electronics (USA)350...9third largest American front view Nixie tube, equivalent to the B-8091
NUP100NUP100National Union (USA)12.57 segmentsvery rare Nixie tube
NUP102NUP102National Union (USA)15.50...9rare Nixie tube

If you have some Nixie tubes for sale or trade, or have a comment on these pages, please send me an email. Please also take a look at my Nixie wanted list, maybe you have some of the tubes I am looking for.

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